Vanessa went to work and told me her mouth was in a sucking mood today. Keep in mind that she sucked off Alan the day before. I asked her how many times she wanted to suck today and her response was..."Well I want to more than I am going to be able to I think. I will at least once, and more if I can arrange it! I can't wait to have another mouthful of cock!"
Its 1:30 in the afternoon and Vanessa tells me that nothing will be able to happen until after 3. I guess that is when the other employees are leaving for the day. So I head off to a buddies house knowing I will be back by 3.
At 1:52 pm I get a picture of a note that she left for him and she said, "Just so he knows I really want it ASAP!"
I was sitting there with my buddy and realized it was only like 2:00 so I knew I had some time before she was going to be able to do it. Vanessa stopped texting me for a little so I figured her work just got busy. I just continued chatting with my buddy for a while. I checked the time and it was only like 2:20, so I didn't think there was any rush.
I didn't check my phone for the next seven minutes. Then, I take a glance at it and there is a message. At 2:21 Vanessa said, "He is sending everyone home! I get to suck cock!!"
Now its 2:27 by the time I read that message, so I asked her, "When are you going to?" This was awesome! Her reply was, "I just did!" I was so turned on by her just doing it and not waiting around for me to tell her to! I mean she did tell me she loves sucking cocks!
Vanessa starts sending me pictures while I am driving home.
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Vanessa told me how she loves to suck his cock in the middle of the day and wanted to do it again before she comes home. There was no way I was going to say no to that.
She didn't stop talking about it for the rest of the day. Asking how many loads of cum she has swallowed in the last 24 hours, I counted. Alan yesterday, then me last night twice, this morning twice, then Alan again today. She is up to six loads of cum pumped into her hot mouth in the last 24 hours and she wanted more! I love it!!!
By closing time, there were still a lot of customers in the store so Vanessa had to wait around for all of them to leave. The whole time she was talking about how she could not wait to suck his cock.
Once all of them had left, she told me she was going to go do it. A minute later Vanessa says that he would not let her. I guess his wife was out and about and he feared she would stop by the store.
Vanessa seemed disappointed and then told me she was just going to go force it. I was so incredibly turned on! She text me while she was sucking his dick to tell me she was going it! She said, "I am doing it because I was mad he said no!" Haha! Awesome!! A few minutes later she says, "I just swallowed his hot load! Now I'm on my way home! Wait and I will send pics!"
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Vanessa told me how she walked in and told him to sit, and never tell her no! I loved it!! The last thing she texts me before pulling up was, "get your cock out!" That's what I did and she absolutely adored it with her beautiful dirty little mouth!
I love the naughty little look on her face after she swallowed my load, which by the way is number eight! She did suck my cock one more time for a total of nine loads of hot cum swallowed in 24 hours! And she wants MORE!!!